Here is a collection of story books for small Pagan children. Not all of these stories are expressly Pagan, but they do carry Pagan themes or express Pagan family values.

Tales from Old Ireland was written by Malachy Doyle, illustrated Niamh Sharkey and comes with a CD with narration by Maura O'Connell. I love the illustrations in this book. And I love that a book that I can hold and read full of the stories I already love to tell my children by the campfire. Storytelling is awesome, but reading books together is also awesome.

ABC Book of Shadows by Itty Bitty Witch Works is another book geared toward Wiccan kids specifically. It introduces the usual Wiccan ritual tools and even the elements in a fun, rhythmic, alphabet poem. The art is also quite beautiful. (Alas. It is out of print, and it would seem, a collector's item.)

I Took the Moon for a Walk is a sweet tale for the younger set. The text is simple for babies or early readers and the illustrations are lovely and it teaches a bit about the moon and nocturnal animals.

Aidan's First Full Moon Circle by W Lyon Martin is yet another fabulously illustrated book for Pagan Children about a boy going to his first public ritual. It's a nice, simple story for very young children. The ritual described is a Wiccan one, but since most public rituals tend to be, it's still a good choice for other Pagan children.

Ordinary Girl, a Magical Child by W Lyon Martin is, again illustrated beautifully, and again, best suited to Wiccan children, but not entirely useless for other Pagan children. It presents several magical concepts, including simple banishing, but it really focuses much more on the religious aspect and that is very duotheistic path-specific. It's not a bad book, for what it is (in fact, it's fantastic for what it is), but you'll want to review it before you turn it over to your kids.

Wild Child written by Lynn Plourde and beautifully illustrated by Greg Couch is a delightful bedtime story for any Pagan child. Imagine Mother Earth tucking Autumn into bed and all the little gifts She would give her little one in preparation for her long rest. This book is lyrical and artistic and a little weird.

All I See is Part of Me written by Chara M. Curtis, illustrated by Cynthia Aldrich is a delightfully artistic and lyrical meditation on the interconnectedness of all things, and most importantly, your child's interconnectedness with all things.

Seven Spirals; a Chakra Sutra for Kids by Deena Haiber and Aimee MacDonald is an interesting look at the Chakras through the story of the adventures of seven children. It is beautifully illustrated.

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