The Earth element rules material and sensual matters; matters of the physical body and material needs and desires.

Earth Magick

Earth energy is utilized in magic related to gaining prosperity, protecting material objects, gardening, familiars and pets, growing, nurturing, conception, fertility, growth, wisdom, luck, gambling, money, employment, birth, death and rebirth.

Earth Healing

Earth Energy is cold and dry and its opposite, Air, is moist and warm.

If the patient is feeling spacey, light-headed, hyperactive, unstable and has difficulty concentrating, there may be an imbalance requiring the addition of more Earth energy. Earth energy is grounding and stable.

An excess of Earth energy may be the culprit if the patient if feeling stuck, heavy, lacks initiative or energy. In this case use the opposite energy of Air to help balance the energy.

The element of Earth corresponds to the excretory organs and digestive system, skeleton and joints, muscles and skin, the sense of touch, the thyroid glands and the throat.

Earth Symbols

The element of Earth corresponds to the planets Venus and Saturn, the signs Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn and the the Pentacles suit in Tarot.

Earth can by symbolized by the colors green, black or brown, by just about any stone or mineral, especially coal and salt. Earth's metal is lead, but this is not recommended for use near food.

Earth Foods

Earth foods tend to be comforting, starchy and leave one feeling relaxed and sedate. Most grains, nuts and root vegetables carry Earth energy.

CornstarchDatesEggEggplantFava BeansGheeGingerMilletMushroomOatsOlivePecanPomegranatePotatoPumpkinRiceSageSpaghetti SquashSpinachStrawberries