Bell Pepper

Capsicum anuum

Bell peppers, also called sweet peppers come in a variety of colors including red, yellow, orange and even purple. Any can be eaten at the immature green stage, though these are not as sweet or rich in antioxidants. All peppers are associated with the Fire element.

You can choose varieties of peppers to add to your recipe for a splash of color magic. They are available in green, red, orange, yellow and even purple! Peppers are feel-good foods that add flavor and color to any dish. They are good raw, sauteed, roasted, stuffed, in soups, in salads, in pasta and more! They even dry well in the food dehydrator when chopped small.

Ripe red peppers contain Vitamin K, Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, Potassium, Maganese, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin B6, Folate and dietary fiber. Bell peppers are also moderately anti-inflammatory.

Element(s): Fire -
Planet(s): Mars -
Zodiac Sign: - -
Season: Summer
Sabbat: -

Gender: Masculine

prosperity, security, strength, energy, comfort

Recipes that contain Bell Pepper

Notes from the Test Kitchen

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