
Zea mays

Corn, or maize, is a native American grain the resonates with the energy of Earth and the Sun. It is used in magic for protection and to promote spirituality as well as during harvest rituals. Corn is a suitable offering for most grain, harvest or agricultural Gods and Goddesses, especially those native to the Americas.

Before the word "corn" was applied to maize, it was used to refer to any grain. Older, European texts and traditions that refer to "corn" are more likely referring to barley or wheat.

Corn and corn meal comes in white, yellow, red and blue. You can use these colors to further enhance your magical working with color energy.

Wasting corn is considered very bad luck.

Corn is a good source of dietary fiber and combines well with rice and/or beans to create a complete vegetable protein profile. Corn is rich in vitamin C, manganese and folate

Element(s): Earth Fire
Planet(s): Sun -
Zodiac Sign: - -
Season: Autumn
Sabbat: First Harvest

Gender: Feminine

spirituality, protection, abundance

Recipes that contain Corn

Notes from the Test Kitchen

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