Fava Beans

Vicia faba

Fava beans or broad beans have been eaten by humans, particularly in the Mediterranean since before 6000 BC. It is a tough plant that can overwinter in cold areas and even grow in areas with high salinity. Young beans can be harvested in the early spring and eaten pod and all or they can be harvested in late spring to early summer, shelled and eaten fresh OR they can be allowed to mature and dried for later use.

In Egypt fava beans are used to make falafel and ful medames. In Greece, the broad bean is called koukia and the word fava actually refers to the yellow split pea. In ancient Rome, the fava bean was prepared as food for the dead during the annual Lumeria festival.

A condition known as favism renders fava beans inedible to those afflicted by it. It is most common in countries where malaria is prevalent as people with favism tend to have a higher resistance to malaria.

According to European folklore, fava beans should be planted on Good Friday for good luck. However, in Italy fava beans are best planted on All Souls Day for good luck.

Fava beans are rich in folate and a good source of fiber, protein, phosphorus, manganese and copper.

Element(s): Earth -
Planet(s): - -
Zodiac Sign: - -
Season: Winter
Sabbat: Samhain

Gender: -

luck, dead

Recipes that contain Fava Beans

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