
Vitis spp

Grapes have been cultivated in the Mediterranean region for 8,000 years and were a major part of the establishment of major civilizations in that area. Naturally occurring yeast on the skin of grapes make fermentation into wine and vinegar an easy and enjoyable enterprise.

There are also native species of grapes that grow wild all over the Americas.

Grapes are delicious raw, dried as raisins, and fermented to produce wine. Wine is a traditional ritual beverage. There's also something about a bunch of ripe grapes that feels voluptuous and sensual. The entire plant is useful. Grape leaves are also edible and delicious and grapeseed oil is also popular for cooking and salads and grapevines can be used for crafting.

Eat one grape for each chime of the clock at midnight on New Year's Even (that's 12) for good luck all year long.

Grapes get a good dousing of potentially harmful pesticides under traditional growing methods, so choose organic whenever possible for these.

Grapes are toxic to dogs and a choking hazard for small children. Peel and slice for the kids.

Grapes are rich in vitamin C and vitamin K

Element(s): Water -
Planet(s): Moon -
Zodiac Sign: - -
Season: Summer
Sabbat: Feast of May

Dionysus, Bacchus, Venus

Gender: Feminine

sensuality, romance, abundance, prosperity, wealth, love, sleep, dreams, spirituality, psychic awareness, prophecy, luck

Recipes that contain Grape

Notes from the Test Kitchen

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