Honey is a food made by bees as a primary food source. It is made from nectar from flowers and stored in honeycombs. It has the same sweetness of table sugar but has a unique flavor which varies depending on the type of flowers the bees use to make the honey. Honey products such as mead and honey cake are popular food for use in ritual. Honey is mentioned in just about every sacred sacred text you can name including The Vedas, the Torah, and the Qu'ran. Honey is used for a variety of healing applications as well.
Honey can be used in recipes as a sugar replacement though the flavor and liquid content is a bit different. It is used as a primary sweetener for many different healing concoctions, including as a base for medicinal syrups because honey is not only sweet, but has antibacterial properties as well.
Honey is basically sugar, but it contains micro-nutrients including vitamins, minerals and proteins.
Due to the possibility that honey may contain botulism spores, honey is not recommended for children under two.
Element(s): Air -
Planet(s): Sun -
Zodiac Sign: - -
Season: Summer
Sabbat: Feast of May
Ra, Min, Anu, Ea, Shamash, Marduk, Adad, Kittu, Demeter, Artemis, Rhea, Persephone, Kama, Aphrodite
Gender: Feminine
purification, love, sex, health, happiness, spirituality, wisdom, eloquence, optimism, weddings
Recipes that contain Honey
Notes from the Test Kitchen
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