
Oryza sativa

In China and many other countries in the East, the word for rice is the same word they use for food in general. Rice has been cultivated since at least 2500 BCE and it feeds more people in the world today than any other grain.

Rice is very easily digested and is a great food for babies and adults with delicate systems or recovering from illness.

Brown rice is most nutritious and wholesome, but white rice takes on the flavors of other ingredients readily and can be cooked sticky, shaped into magical symbols and wrapped around or rolled in other ingredients. Rice comes in a variety of colors and white rice takes dye very well.

Brown rice is rich in fiber, selenium and manganese and has anti-inflammatory properties. White rice is considerably less nutritious naturally, but is often fortified.

Element(s): Earth -
Planet(s): Sun -
Zodiac Sign: - -
Season: Winter
Sabbat: First Harvest

Gender: Feminine

fertility, abundance, security, prosperity, wealth, treasure, protection

Recipes that contain Rice

Notes from the Test Kitchen

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