Juglans spp
According to Medieval Folklore, witches liked to meet under walnut trees and they were called Evil Trees. Another superstition, however, stated that if a walnut were dropped in a witch's lap, she wouldn't be able to rise. Walnuts were symbols of death as well as symbols of fertility making them an excellent choice to symbolize rebirth. They contain the dark energy of earth and help raise your awareness. It is said that they attract lightening and as such, it's a bad idea to carry them around in a thunderstorm. Could this be a connection with Zeus? Or perhaps just a tendency for tall trees (such as walnuts tend to be) to be struck by lightning on occasion? The Romans associated the walnut with Juno, the Queen of the Gods and it was considered a symbol of fertility.
Women carried walnuts to increase their chances of conception. Once custom is to have a bride and groom dance around a walnut tree, to ensure the bride produces an abundance of milk for their future babies. Place a leaf of a walnut tree in the shoe of the one you desire to have his or her eyes and heart turn your way.
It was considered bad luck to plant a walnut tree too close to a stable, lest it cause the death of your livestock. Indeed the walnut tree presents a danger to horses and dogs and poisons the earth around it so that no other plants can grow in its immediate vicinity. The shade of a walnut tree was said to dull the brain and to be poisonous in various ways. The fruits, however, are delicious and nutritious and the hulls
Because walnuts, like most nuts, have a rather long shelf life, they are traditional Yuletide snacks.
Walnuts are tasty in salads, stuffing and baked goods or in a snack mix with dried fruit and other nuts.
Walnut oil has a low smoke point and so should be used for salad dressings rather than frying. It is a wonderful carrier oil for aging skin and for dry, itchy skin conditions.
Walnuts can be used as a substitute for pecans in most recipes.
Some folks are allergic. Take care.
Walnuts are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, protein, Vitamin E, B Vitamins and many minerals.
Element(s): Earth Fire
Planet(s): Jupiter Sun
Zodiac Sign: - -
Season: Winter
Sabbat: Midwinter
Zeus, Juno
Gender: Masculine
death, fertility, rebirth, awareness, love, abundance
Recipes that contain Walnut
Notes from the Test Kitchen
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