Welcome to my personal blog. Here you will find my own personal thoughts, philosophy, spirituality, pet peeves, rants and rambles, expressions of joy and angst, griping and observations on life. I hope you enjoy them, and find that any wisdom I may have gained from my experiences helps you out in your own, but really, I write for me here.

How Much To Plant

This is for average use of your fruits and vegetables for foods you like okay and use when it's available. If you really love it, add an extra plant or two for each person that loves it. Plant...

First Harvest Reflections

The feast of the First Harvest is a feast of little bits. The garden is full of promise, but not full of ripe produce. We have some zucchini, an eggplant, maybe even a tomato, but hardly enough of...

A Simple Kitchen Witches Herb Garden

Gardening can be intimidating and, for those of us who do not have our own patch of dirt to tend, it can seem nearly impossible. But growing and using your own herbs is quite satisfying and can only...

Gardening By The Moon

Gardening according to the phases of the moon is an ancient practice. Those of us who garden as an expression of our spirituality and our connection with both the Earth and our ancestors may wish to...

Crafting Magical Meals

There are many approaches to using magick and creating a meal with magickal intent is a method embraced the Kitchen Witch. Everything in Nature has energy that can be harnessed and directed toward the...

Entertaining At Midwinter

The Winter Solstice occurs sometime between December 20th and 22nd and is the shortest day and longest night of the year and the official start of winter, though some folks will feel that winter has...

Housewarming House Plants

If you're as bummed about the end of the gardening season as I am, you may be thinking of ways to brighten up your indoor surroundings and nothing says springtime like some green. Live plants...

A Little Samhain History

Samhain originated as a Gaelic festival. The word is from the name for the month of November. A popular translation of the word is Summer's end though it could refer to an assembly or gathering ....

The Dirt on the the Besom

A besom is a witch's broom and the practical kitchen witch may choose her broom for looks or function or both. Many of us have two or more brooms. One for sweeping dirt indoors, one for sweeping...

Gardening For Butterflies

1Many Pagans consider nature to be sacred and enjoy inviting the wild creatures of our neighborhood to share our gardens with us. A butterfly garden is an excellent way to do this. With just a little...

Caring For Cast Iron

As a Kitchen Witch I view my cast iron pans with slightly more affection than the rest. Oh I love my stainless steel pasta pot and my ceramic dutch oven but the cast iron holds a special place in my...

Diving Into The Cauldron

The Witches cauldron is the stuff of legend and indeed cauldrons feature in folklore from many cultures. While cauldrons haven't always been associated with witches (everyone had a cauldron back in...

If You Can Do Magick, Why Aren't You Rich?

I am rich Ohhhh, you mean why don't I have a lot of money? Short answer: Because I don't value money. 1I know you've heard of the Law of Attraction. You don't attract what you want, you attract what...

Online Resources For Magickal Parents And Kids

Here is a collection of links to resources that I believe will be of interest to Parents who practice magick and/or adhere to an Earth-based, Pagan or Heathen spiritual philosophy. Please add your own...

(Magical) Meal Planning

Meal Planning Basics Meal planning is a valuable skill that every cook, magical or otherwise, should cultivate. Meal planning helps save time and money and helps relieve the stress of last minute...

Loving my Backwoods Bar Soap

I Just want to take a minute and give a shout out to my friend Jen at Backwoods Bar Soap who sent me this great box of soap and salves, including a chickweed salve that was a lifesaver for my totally...

Check Your Ethics

Over the past several months, I have seen calls to join in spellwork to mitigate the damage that the current regime seems intent on inflicting on minorities and the environment. I gave a nod to this...

2017 Solar Lunar Scheduling Calendar

A solar/lunar calendar for the scheduling of farm, household and spiritual activities by lunar phase and season. I created this for myself, but you're free to make use of it provided you link back...

Why 2016 Sucks, Numerologically Speaking

Before I begin, I should warn you that I am not an expert on numerology. In truth, I've always been a bit math-phobic and numerology seemed too math-ish to not be intimidating. Besides, it's based on...

Smudging the Word Smudge

Recently I was scolded by a fellow witch for suggesting the use of smudging to cleanse magical tools. It's not the first time I've been scolded about smudging. Smudging, I am told, is a cultural...

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