The full moon in Capricorn is usually the Berry Moon or the Wort Moon of mid-summer. The New Moon in Capricorn takes place in late December or January.

The Capricorn Moon and Your Magick

Capricorn is practical, organized and thrifty. Capricorn supports plans and budgets. Capricorn takes a good hard look at things, decides what's important and proceeds accordingly. Capricorn rules the bones, knees and skin.

New Moon in Capricorn to First Quarter (Lunar Day 1-8ish)

(December, January, November, October )
Spells related to creating new habits, finding new employment.

First Quarter to Full Moon (Lunar Day 9ish-18ish)

(September, August, July, June )
Growing career and finances, increasing organization and self-discipline.

Full Moon to Last Quarter (Lunar Day 18ish-24ish)

(June, May, April, March )
Meditation and journey to discover what is most important in your life and find ways to nurture it.

Last Quarter to Dark Moon (Lunar Day 24ish-30ish)

(March, February, January )
Banish debt, banish obstacles to success in career and financial goals.

In Your Garden

Capricorn is productive and dry and supports the growth of plants grown primarily for their roots.

Capricorn New Moon to First Quarter (Lunar Day 1-8ish)

(December, January, November, October )

First Quarter to Full Moon (Lunar Day 9ish-18ish)

(September, August, July, June )
Prune for growth and healing.
Plant root vegetables.

Full Moon to Last Quarter (Lunar Day 18ish-24ish)

(June, May, April, March )
Plant root vegetables
Harvest root vegetables.

Last Quarter to New Moon (Lunar Day 24ish-30ish)

(March, February, January )
Spray for pests

For Your Livestock/Pets

Capricorn New Moon to First Quarter (Lunar Day 1-8ish)

(December, January, November, October )
Wean animals

First Quarter to Full Moon (Lunar Day 9ish-18ish)

(September, August, July, June )

Full Moon to Last Quarter (Lunar Day 18ish-24ish)

(June, May, April, March )

Last Quarter to Dark Moon (Lunar Day 24ish-30ish)

(March, February, January )
Castrate male animals.

Around the House

New Moon to First Quarter (Lunar Day 1-8ish)

(December, January, November, October )
Begin a new job.
Visit the doctor.
Wean baby.

First Quarter to Full Moon (Lunar Day 9ish-18ish)

(September, August, July, June )
Begin a new job.
Visit the doctor.
Wean baby.

Full Moon to Last Quarter (Lunar Day 18ish-24ish)

(June, May, April, March )
Visit the doctor.

Last Quarter to New Moon (Lunar Day 24ish-30ish)

(March, February, January )
Visit the doctor.

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