The new moon in Virgo always takes place at the end of August or the beginning of September. Virgo energy is always improving, always trying to make things better, it strives for perfection, for greatness, for arete. Virgo wants you to be all you can be and has no patience for excuses. But Virgo wants you to do it right and from a place of strength. Moving forward without adequate information puts you at unnecessary risk.
This is a time for cleansing and healing, for recharging and taking stock and, if we've strayed a bit from our path, to get back on track and if we are already on track to start to think about how we can take our goals to the next level and to the broadest benefit. The most successful should be asking herself: how can my success also benefit my community, the Earth, and those upon whose shoulders I stood to get where I am today. Those who are having trouble should take a close look at themselves to identify harmful habits (or lack of helpful ones) that are holding them back and do some spell work to support an honest commitment to overcome them.
The new moon in Virgo is the perfect time to do some serious research into what it will take to be the most successful in your life. What help do you need and where can you get it? What tools do you have on hand and what do you need to acquire, where can you get them, how much will they cost? Take measurements, make phonecalls, sketches, calculations. While we're at it, do you have a retirement plan yet?
Any work related to increasing health is also supported today as well as any employment spell related to a health or service career or finding assistance in this area. Most importantly, spells should be focused on improving your situation from a very practical standpoint.
The New Moon in Virgo takes place in either August or September when the sun in in Virgo
Hire Me
Receive This Resume Well
Time for a Promotion
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Altar Cleansing Ritual
Magical Tool Dedication Ceremony
General Healing Spell
Sympathetic Healing Spell
Healing Charm
Grounding and Centering
Finding My Center
Getting to Know Me
Journey of Self Exploration
House Blessing
Site Dedication Ceremony
Also a good time to perform a Ritual in Honor of Athene or a Ritual in Honor of Demeter.