The full moon in Sagittarius is usually the Flower Moon or Berry Moon of late spring, when the sun is in Gemini. The New Moon in Sagittarius takes place in late November or December. Sagittarius is a mutable sign, ruled by the element Fire and is ruled by the planet Jupiter.

Sagittarius energy supports transformation, inspiration and creativity. It is enthusiastic and optimistic. This energy can support anything that can help you make the changes in your life that you need to make to fulfill your ultimate life purpose. This includes, but is not limited to, travel, educational, employment and relationship opportunities as well as spiritual growth and connecting with other people traveling similar paths and potential teachers, mentors and guides (mortal and otherwise) and anyone else who can aid in your transformation and evolution.

The Sagittarius Moon and Your Magick

New Moon in Sagittarius to First Quarter (Lunar Day 1-8ish)

(September, October, November, December)
This is an excellent time for any major transitions, to start a new phase of life or take the next major step in a project. Spells performed at this time can be aimed at giving an extra boost to a new project to get it started with some serious momentum behind it.

First Quarter to Full Moon (Lunar Day 9ish-18ish)

(May, June, July, August )
This is a good time to perform spells for increasing the momentum or awareness of a project. It's also a good time for increasing your skills, especially those related to creative pursuits and for increasing spiritual connections with others and with the divine.

Full Moon to Last Quarter (Lunar Day 18ish-24ish)

(February,March, April )
Spirituality and communication with the divine are strongly supported at this time. This is also a good time to celebrate transformations and to come out to the world with regard to your own personal evolution or to connect with others who are in a similar evolutionary place or to reach out to people who can aid you with your personal transformation.

Last Quarter to Dark Moon (Lunar Day 24ish-30ish)

(November, December, January, February )
Transformative energy is strong in Sagittarius even as the moon wanes. This is a good time to do work to eliminate barriers and let go of habits and belief systems that are keeping you from growing or making necessary changes.

In Your Garden

Sagittarius New Moon to First Quarter (Lunar Day 1-8ish)

(September, October, November, December )
Plant grains, grasses, hay, fodder, cover crops, sunflowers.
Broadcast seeds.
Plant onion sets and garlic.
Prune to encourage new growth
Harvest for storage.

First Quarter to Full Moon (Lunar Day 9ish-18ish)

(May, June, July, August )
Plant grains, grasses, hay, fodder, cover crops, sunflowers
Prune to encourage new growth
Plant chives, garlic chives, peppers.

Full Moon to Last Quarter (Lunar Day 18ish-24ish)

(February,March, April )
Plant nut & fruit trees and shrubs.
Plant strawberries and cane fruit.
Prune to discourage growth.
Fertilize soil.

Last Quarter to New Moon (Lunar Day 24ish-30ish)

(December, January, February )
Harvest for long term storage.
Harvest root vegetables and fruits and cure forlong term storage.
Prune to discourage growth.
Destroy pests.
Curing/Drying produce.

For Your Livestock/Pets

Sagittarius New Moon to First Quarter (Lunar Day 1-8ish)

(September, October, November, December )
Wean animals.
Castrate male animals (as early as possible)

First Quarter to Full Moon (Lunar Day 9ish-18ish)

(May, June, July, August )
Wean animals

Full Moon to Last Quarter (Lunar Day 18ish-24ish)

(February,March, April )
Sheer sheep

Last Quarter to Dark Moon (Lunar Day 24ish-30ish)

(November, December, January, February )
Castrate male animals.(As late as possible)
Smoking/drying meat.

Around the House

New Moon to First Quarter (Lunar Day 1-8ish)

(September, October, November, December )
Wean babies.
Dig post holes
Go hunting for large game.
Move to a new home.
Begin research, a new course of study.
Have dental work done.

First Quarter to Full Moon (Lunar Day 9ish-18ish)

(May, June, July, August )
Dig post holes.
Wean babies.
Go hunting for large game.
Move to a new home.
Begin research/a new course of study.

Full Moon to Last Quarter (Lunar Day 18ish-24ish)

(February,March, April )
Set posts.
Go hunting for large game.
Request a loan.
Begin a weight loss program.

Last Quarter to New Moon (Lunar Day 24ish-30ish)

(November, December, January, February )
Cut fence posts. Build fences.
Cut shingles.
Go hunting for large game.
Request a loan.
Begin a weight loss program.
Have dental work done.

See 2017 Solar/Lunar Scheduling Calendar for context


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