Many Saturn plants are baneful, and so, of course, are not food, but many poisonous plants have edible parts. Many of the nightshade fruits, for example, share Saturn's energy. Many Saturn plants tend to grow in areas that are unwelcoming to most plants, so they are a boon to the vegetable gardener who doesn't have the ideal spot for a garden. Saturn plants tend to be cooling, with an astringent action so they offer comfort to the feverish, especially when a stuffy nose has your mouth feeling like yuck.

Saturn energy is useful for magick related to boundaries, creating them, them and enforcing them as well as discovering or testing limits and so it is a useful tool for self-discovery. Saturn is slow and its energy is useful when you want to slow things down, relationships, aging, the spread of a disease, progress on a controversial pipeline…

For healing, Saturn energy is especially helpful for the spleen, bones and joints and may be used to treat various conditions related to excess or over-indulgence. It is hypnotic and helps with self-exploration aimed at discovering the root cause of various psychological conditions and phobias while also aiding physical symptoms that may be triggered or exacerbated by conditions.