Ah autumn! The world is full of color, the air is crisp and are gardens and farm stands are overflowing with ripe fruits and vegetables. The long awaited fresh apples give us apple cider with its traditional accompaniment; fresh donuts have whole days devoted to them here in the Midwestern USA, and pumpkin spiced everything is everywhere. Pears, cranberries and grapes are ripe now too, and corn on the cob is really only worth eating when it's right off the stalk, while quinces need to be eaten or made into jam right now. We're digging up sweet potatoes and the cool, damp weather has triggered the growth of mushrooms. Furthermore, it's time to can and pickle things!

Let's also not forget that it's deer hunting season and that means fresh venison.

These seasonal foods combine to provide us with traditional meals for First Harvest, the Autumn Equinox and Samhain dining.